2nd Edition

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Wiley has made a very good job in keeping the same external dimensions while adding almost 200 extra pages of content with respect to the 1st Edition.

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Binary Symmetric Channel Bruen Cryptography entropy Information Theory

New identities for the Shannon function and applications

Prof. Aiden Bruen’s has recently contributed a paper in which he shows how the Shannon entropy function H(p, q) = p \log \frac{1}{p} + (q) \log \frac{1}{q} is expressible as a linear combination of other Shannon entropy functions involving quotients of polynomials in p, q of degree n for any n >= 2 .

Chapter 25 of the forthcoming 2nd Edition of the Handbook contains all the background information, additional details, and related material.

2020 MSC: 94A15 Information theory, 94A17 Measures of information, entropy, 94A60 Cryptography

2nd Edition

Announcing the 2nd Edition

We are happy to announce that Wiley is applying the finishing touches to the second editions of the book. Launch is expected for the summer 2021.

Check Wiley’s Website for the book